Der, die or das? Let's settle this..

Are you ready to familiarize yourself with the German articles? Test your skills with the quiz below.
Grammar can be a difficult topic for many language learners. A seemingly small mistake can change the entire meaning of what you want to say. German articles depend on the 3 genders (masculine, feminine, neuter), the 4 cases (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive) and the grammatical number (singular, plural), which can make it challenging to know which article to use.
A good way to start understanding how the articles work is by memorizing the articles with corresponding nouns. You can do this by making a list or using a chart. Once you have a good grasp of the articles, you can move on to some more fun exercises, like the one below!
German is a complex language, and German articles in particular can be confusing. Few things confuse language students learning German as much as comprehending the various articles. We take "the" for granted in English because it's so commonplace and easy to understand, but there isn't one catch-all word for "the" in German like that - you have to learn when to use der, die or das based on the gender of the noun.
Watch the video below for more information and then test your skills in the quiz below:
Der, die, das Quiz:
To test your understanding of the articles, try this quiz! Read each sentence and fill in the blank with the correct article. You can find the answers at the end of this email:
1. __ Apfel ist rot.
2. __ Banane ist gelb.
3. __ Kaffee schmeckt gut.
4. __ Uhr zeigt die richtige Zeit an.
5. __ Studenten lernen Deutsch in der Schule.
6. __ Katze läuft schnell.
7. __ Brot ist lecker.
8. __ Computer funktioniert nicht richtig.
9. Die Frau trinkt __ Wasser.
10. __ Mann hat einen Hut auf dem Kopf.
A great tip to follow is to learn the correct articles in German along with every new noun you add to your vocabulary. If you start perceiving the article and noun as a unit, it'll be much easier.
Also, when writing down new words, try using different colors of highlighters for each gender (such as masculine, feminine, neuter).
With a firmer understanding of der, die, das and gender under your belt, you can move on to learning about plural nouns. The good news is that die is used almost exclusively when dealing with words in plural; the only time this isn't the case is when using the Dativ and Genitiv cases.
There are also many rules that will help you determine the correct article. For example: Nouns ending with -ung (such as Zeitung, Meinung) are (with a few little exceptions) always feminine! Isn't that awesome?
With a little bit of practice, you can familiarize yourself with German articles and gain confidence in using them correctly. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes - they are a part of the learning process. Use this quiz as a starting point and try creating your own sentences to practice the articles.
Didn't master der, die and das yet? Check out my Article course, where you will learn all the rules for gender nouns in an easy understanding and fun way and I promise you learning articles never have been easier!