Types of doctors in German | LerneDeutsch
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Types of doctors in German


🤧 Hatschi! Ich habe eine Erkältung!

Oh, no! Gesundheit! You have a cold and know it's time to see a doctor? Don't worry, Steffi got you! 💁🏼‍♀️



In Germany there are several different types of doctors. In this blog post, you will learn about the types of doctors and what you can expect from each one. I hope this list makes your next appointment with a doctor easier. If you want to learn more about the German health system and important phrases your your next doctors appointment check out the blog post  How to survive your first doctor's appointment in Germany

Keep in mind that not every doctor will offer all of these services – you may need to see more than one specialist to get the care that you need.


Allgemeinmediziner (General Practitioner)

Your first stop for most medical concerns should be your Allgemeinmediziner. These doctors are trained to handle a wide range of common health issues and can provide preventive care, such as vaccinations. They will also refer you to a specialist if necessary.


Facharzt (Specialist)

If the Allgemeinmediziner thinks you need to see a specialist, they will refer you to a Facharzt. These doctors have undergone additional training in a specific area of medicine, such as cardiology (Kardiologie) or orthopedics (Orthopädie). Sometimes you will need the Überweisung (refferal) from your Allgemeinmediziner in order to schedule an appointment with the Facharzt.


das Krankenhaus (Hospital)

In case of an emergency or in need of urgent care, you may need to go to a Krankenhaus. Hospitals offer a wide range of services, from emergency care to surgery. In Germany, there are both public and private hospitals. Private hospitals tend to be more expensive, but they may have shorter wait times and might have more English-speaking staff.


die Klinik (Clinic)

A Klinik is similar to a hospital, but it is typically smaller and focuses on outpatient care, rather than inpatient care. Clinics may also offer specialized services, such as rehabilitation or cancer treatment.


As you can see, I wasn't lying! There are a variety of different types of doctors and medical facilities in Germany. By knowing where to go for your specific needs, you can get the best possible care.


Here's a list of common doctors you will likely come across in Germany, translated to English:

  • Allgemeinmediziner/Hausarzt: General practitioner, family doctor
  • Kinderarzt: Paediatrician
  • Frauenarzt/Gynäkologe: Gynaecologist
  • HNO-Arzt: ENT doctor, (abbreviation for Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Arzt)
  • Augenarzt: Ophthalmologist
  • Dermatologe/Hautarzt: Dermatologist
  • Psychologe: Psychologist
  • Zahnarzt: Dentist
  • Kardiologie: Cardiologist
  • Internist: Internist
  • Onkologe: Oncologist
  • Orthopäde: Orthopedist
  • Neurologe: Neurologist
  • Chirurg: Surgeon
  • Radiologe: Radiologist
  • Rheumatologe: Rheumatologist
  • Urologe: Urologist
  • Notarzt: Emergency medical services
  • Heilpraktiker: Alternative medicine practitioner


In German we have gender specific titles. The list only contains the male titles, for female doctors you usually just add the ending -in. E.g. der Neurologe becomes die Neurologin.

Do you have any experience with these types of doctors in Germany? Let us know in the comments below!


Bleibt gesund und bis zum nächsten Mal!

Your LerneDeutsch team :)